
The ‘Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo’ (IWRM-K) is a 12-year transformational Program of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Government of Kosovo. Its implementation has been entrusted to the Consortium of Skat Consulting Ltd., St. Gallen Switzerland, and the Environment Agency Austria.

In its First Phase (May 2020–April 2024), the IWRM-K Program successfully established the foundational planning framework, knowledge base, and institutional capacities essential for transforming the country’s water resource management.

By collaborating with decision-makers, civil society, and citizens to address key water challenges, the Program has begun replacing outdated, traditional, and fragmented approaches with more comprehensive and dynamic management practices at the river basin scale, aligned with the principles of the EU Water Framework Directive.

As we entered Phase 2 (May 2024 – April 2029), the focus shifted to building on the successes of Phase 1 by enhancing existing systems and expanding our efforts. This phase emphasizes strengthening established frameworks while actively involving local governments alongside central authorities, ensuring a more integrated and decentralized approach to water resources management. In the coming years, the Program will continue to tackle the root causes of Kosovo’s water challenges, building the capacities needed to secure sufficient water for the country’s people, economy,and ecosystems.



Water is fundamental for our lives and for our planet. Yet, this precious and limited resource is facing unprecedented challenges. Global population growth, rapid urbanization, industrial development and unsustainable production and consumption patterns are exerting increasing pressures on our freshwater resources around the globe. Millions of people die every year from diseases linked to poor hygiene and unsafe water. Climate change is adding to these pressures. Over the past years, we have seen more floods and droughts than ever before. And in water-scarce regions, the increasing demands for water are leading to instability and forced migration. Kosovo is among the most water stressed countries in Southeast Europe. Its need for fresh water has long exceeded supply because of lack of investments in water infrastructure, inefficient use of water in agriculture and high levels of pollution. Kosovo’s water resources are rapidly deteriorating, and climate change is increasing water-related risks. The management of water resources in Kosovo is complex as it shares its four river basins (Drini i Bardhë, Ibër, Morava e Binçës and Lepenc) with neighboring countries. And currently, institutions do not have sufficient capacities to fulfill their roles and responsibilities and they do not have a coherent framework for planning the management of water resources. There is also very little pressure from citizens and civil society to address environmental degradation.

Kosovo has made significant progress over the past years by working on new legal and institutional frameworks and formulation of water strategies and action plans. However, much more investment and coordinated action is needed to ensure a sustainable water future for all the citizens of Kosovo.

What we want to achieve in the Phase 2


  •  Alignment of Kosovo’s water policy, strategic, and planning framework with IWRM principles, and EU-based standards and approaches as articulated in Kosovo’s four existing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) for Ibër, Drini i Bardhë, Morava e Binçes, and Lepenci.
  •  Facilitating the implementation of the RBMPs through supporting a series of targeted measures to address sources of pollution from industry, agriculture, settlements, as well as through promoting Nature-based Solutions.
  •  Updating Kosovo’s four RBMPs aligning them with the fourth cycle of the EU Water Framework Directive (2028 – 2033).


  •  Upgrading the water legislation and supporting institutional and organizational capacity development for water resource management among partner institutions at national and local/municipal levels.
  •  Facilitating budgetary increases to support IWRM through improved water financing models.
  •  Continue introducing top water science courses in national universities and creating on-the-job training opportunities for young professionals, experts, and researchers.
  •  Upgrading the current water monitoring and water information systems.



  •  Further develop the newly introduced stakeholder participation mechanisms to ensure democratization of water resource management.
  •  Empowering stakeholders and CSOs to partner with the Government on water resources management through targeted training and grants.
  •  Conducting communication and awareness-raising activities at national and local levels to spur action and position water resource management as a top priority on the country’s political agenda.

Funding sources: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Government of Kosovo

Total budget for 12 years: Approx. EUR 20 million

Budget for Phase 1 (May 2020 – April 2024): Approx. EUR 8.2 million (SDC) + EUR 1.7 million (Government of Kosovo)

Budget for Phase 2 (May 2024 - April 2029): CHF 9,027,850 (SDC) + CHF 2,000,000 (Gok)

Program partners: Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (MESPI), the Inter-Ministerial Water Council, other ministries, municipalities, educational institutions, and CSOs/NGOs and other.

Implementation: Skat Consulting Ltd., St. Gallen Switzerland & the Environment Agency Austria with the support of World University Services, Austria (WUS) and Ximpulse, Switzerland.